
Stephen Kelly


Steve has been at the forefront of alternative dispute resolution for over 25 years.

Contact Stephen

613.238.6321 ext. 231

Legal Clerk / Assistant
Mandy Flinn
613.238.6321 ext. 261

Availability Calendar

To reserve an appointment online, please click your preferred available date.
Our staff will contact you on receipt of your Appointment Request form.

Mediations Rates

  • Online and Ottawa Region:
    Full day – $ 2,975.00; Half day – $ 1,700.00
  • Eastern Ontario (Outside of Ottawa):
    Full day – $ 3,675.00 ; Half day – $ 2,500.00
  • Greater Toronto Area:
    Full day – $ 4,075.00 ; Half day – $ 3,000.00
  • Other Regions:
    Full day – $ 4,075.00

All rates include preparation time and travel time. Costs for facilities and refreshments (when necessary) are not included in the above-noted rates.

Arbitration Rates

  • $500.00 per hour, plus disbursements

Umpire Rates

  • $450.00 per hour

Steve is a Chartered Arbitrator and Chartered Mediator with the ADR Institute of Canada. Steve is also a Chartered Member of the Canadian Academy of Distinguished Neutrals. These designations reflect his training, experience and body of work.

Steve began mediating in 1992 and was a member of the original court approved mediation roster. Steve works to provide focus and structure to mediations and encourages active participation and dialogue between the parties. Steve may challenge the parties to re-evaluate their positions on contentious issues and to be creative in developing options for resolution. He is known for the energy and commitment he brings to each mediation. Steve conducts mediations online when appropriate and guides counsel and their clients through the process.

Steve brings over 35 years of litigation experience to his role as arbitrator. Steve was a vice-chair (arbitrator) with the Ontario Commercial Arbitration Tribunal and subsequently the License Appeal Tribunal for six years. He has been a member of the panel of arbitrators with Tarion’s Builder Arbitration Forum since its inception. As a sole arbitrator and as a member of a panel of three, Steve has conducted private arbitrations dealing with issues such as commercial rent, construction projects, disputes involving municipalities, green energy projects, and condominium development conflicts. Hearings before him proceed efficiently and respectfully. Decisions are rendered promptly and are well reasoned.  Steve also acts as an umpire in appraisal proceedings pursuant to section 128 of the Ontario Insurance Act.

Cancellation Policy

If the mediation is cancelled or adjourned with less than 14 days notice a cancellation fee equal to one half the fee for the scheduled time will be payable. If the mediation is cancelled or adjourned with less than 7 days notice the full fee will be payable.

If the arbitration is cancelled or adjourned with less than 30 days notice a cancellation fee equal to one half the fee for the scheduled sitting days (based on a 6-hour day) will be payable.